What is fourth grade homework?
We expect fourth graders to read and/or write alone or with family members every night for about 30 minutes. Writing can be an ongoing story or book, poem, journal, friendly letter, a grocery list, etc.
Other types of homework seen throughout the school year are:
1. Problem solving mathematics activities.
2. Unfinished class work from that day, as determined by the teacher.
3. Individualized practice/reinforcement to master key skills.
4. Periodic review of key skills/concepts.
5. Projects that strengthen and extend the learning that occurs throughout a thematic cycle.
6. Enrichment activities that facilitate connections between school and real-life experiences.
How can parents help?
To help ensure positive homework experiences, we offer the following suggestions.
1. If possible, schedule some regular "quiet time" in your home. Students could fulfill their school work responsibilities and other family members could read, draw, write, etc.
2. Designate a consistent drop-off place where materials (backpacks, etc.) are put immediately after school and again after work is completed for the night. Ask your child if he or she has homework, (and perhaps check their backpack) until they start remembering on their own. Make sure completed work gets back into the book bag!
3. Create a learning environment conducive to your child's learning styles. (Your child's teacher can help you with this.)
4. Provide basic materials like pencils and sharpeners, paper, a ruler, folders, crayons, scissors, etc. at home so that all supplies don't have to be transported to and from school.
5. Check work for effort, accuracy, etc. and provide positive feedback!
Reading/ Social Studies Homework Requirements
Homework will be assigned EVERY night in Reading/Social Studies class. The amount and style of the assignments will vary each night. All students are expected to complete assignments on time and in a neat manner. Homework is considered on time if the assignment is FULLY completed BEFORE arriving to school the next day.
Each day, the homework assignment will be posted on the board. Students will be writing the homework assignment in their agendas. Please review this with him or her each day. Homework assignments will also be posted on the classroom Twitter page http://twitter.com/bridgesclass and blog http://bridgesclass.blogspot.com/ .
Homework will be collected every morning directly upon student arrival. If there is a legitimate reason why a student is unable to finish their homework, a parent must notify the teacher by a signed note or phone call (Cell: 904-365-1263/Work: 904-693-7569 ext 125). If students choose not to do their homework, they will receive a failing homework grade for the day. A note will be sent home in their agenda. After three missed homework assignments students will receive a scholarship warning.
Homework should enhance the learning that's occurring in the classroom. Please share these experiences with your child. Also, please share with us, those experiences you create at home. We appreciate your support and invite your input.
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