Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spelling Test Tomorrow

Spelling Words

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
  4. fourth
  5. fifth
  6. basically
  7. least
  8. summary
  9. conclusion
  10. analysis
  11. event
  12. finally
  13. savor
  14. favor
  15. desire
  16. admire
  17. fond of
  18. have a soft spot for
  19. get weak in the knees
  20. take pleasure in

Monday, January 24, 2011

Only Eight Planets?

                                   Only Eight Planets?

Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh. It was thought to be the ninth planet in our solar system. However, the term planet had never been defined. Many people wondered if Pluto should be called a planet. In 2006, scientists finally agreed on what makes a planet a planet. Planets must now pass three tests.

Pluto did not pass all of the tests. Pluto is now called a dwarf planet. Many other dwarf planets have been discovered in our solar system.

Solve It

Pluto is very small compared to the planets. it is even smaller than our moon.
Round each of these measurements to the nearest 100 km to make it easier to compare.

1.    Distance through the center of Pluto: 2,274 km                       __________________________

2.    Distance through the center of Earth's moon: 3,476 km           __________________________

3.   Distance through the center of Mercury: 4,487 km                   __________________________

4.   Distance through the center of Mars: 6,794 km                        __________________________

Taken from: MonsterMathBlogger

Monday, January 10, 2011

FCAT Writing Workshop

Your child will take the State FCAT Writes on March 1, 2011. It's quickly approaching. There will be an engaging Writing Workshop held at Biltmore on Thursday, January 13, 2011. Please plan to attend so that you will be able to help your child prepare for FCAT Writes.

Saturday School is Coming SOON!!!

Biltmore will have Saturday School beginning Saturday, February 5, 2011. Students will take the new version of FCAT this year, FCAT 2.0. This FCAT test is created by the new standards for reading and mathematics. I can't stress enough how important it is that you make sure your child attends. Parents, it is not up to the child. Do NOT leave the decision on whether to attend Saturday School or not, up to them. YOU are in control and know what is best for them. This year we will have intensive 5 week Saturday sessions for only 3 hours.

Saturday School is scheduled to begin at 8:30am to 12 noon. Classes will begin promptly at 9:00am. Students are expected to attend all sessions. The students that attend all sessions will be invited to an after school party with a DJ on the last Saturday School session on April 9, 2011.

Saturday School Dates:
February 5, 2011 & February 26, 2011
March 12, 2011 & March 19, 2011
April 9, 2011


Attendance in school is vital to your education. New learning standards are taught and reinforced daily. It's extremely important for each student to come to school on time. Therefore, I'm challenging all parents and students to take the Attendance Pledge and sign it by adding your name in the comment box.

Attendance Pledge

I pledge today to do my best
To go to sleep and get plenty of rest
I'll get up early and come to school
So that I'll get good grades and be real cool!

Attendance Pledge

I pledge today to do my best
To send (your child's name) to bed to get some rest
I'll wake (your child's name) up early and send them to school
I love my child and good parents RULE!